Following on from the President’s (Mr Cyril Ramaphosa) announcement yesterday, WP Rugby feel it necessary to implement the following measures with immediate effect:
Stop all school’s rugby training and matches until the 14 April 2020 in line with the date as provided on school’s holiday by the President (effectively a Department of Education decision but this would be our directive to our High and Primary School Associations).
Stop all Club / Community rugby training and matches until the 14 April 2020. All players to train on individual bases. Group training to start after that date and leave a two-week reconditioning and training period and start matches on 25 April 2020 until further notice.
WP Rugby will suspend all face to face General Council meetings until 14 April 2020 and will advise on any change of this for the rest of April following any further announcements from the President of SA. It is very likely that all face to face meetings will only resume after April 2020.
Critical General Council meetings might be done by Teleconference or other viable tools available, bearing in mind that not all individuals will have access to these tools.
Educational documents to be provided as and when updated and it to be distributed to all Clubs and Associations.
Implement all self-isolation, quarantine and medical care guidelines as per the World Health Organisation (WHO), The Presidents Measures, Department of Health and NICD.
Sick players and/or officials: Players and/or officials who are sick and display flu-like symptoms are to stay at home. Hands must be washed regularly, and hand sanitizer where possible.
Maintain social distancing: Maintain at least a 1 metre distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
Practice respiratory hygiene: Ensure you and people around you follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
Should any further instructions be received from the national government, World Rugby, SA Rugby and SANZAAR, members of the WP Rugby community will be informed accordingly.
Our prayers go out to the world, our country, its citizens and all those affected medically, economically, and especially the government and all our health workers putting in extreme efforts to stop this pandemic.
Should you require more information please follow the link provided by the WHO at:
We further attach a list of approved clinics accredited as COVID-19 testing sites. Click here for the list
We are thanking you in anticipation in helping us to stand together in this battle against COVID-19.
Take Care and All the Best
Zelt F Marais